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Believing in gods and saviors other than GOD tells that GOD is not yet known as GOD by the people. So let the people know that GOD is Almighty and All-able and All-ability of the GOD introduces GOD as GOD. And a born one who eats to live can never be a god or a savior rather such a one also needs GOD as a GOD and a Savior. There is no god but.
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Herzlich Willkommen bei den mega Qualitäts-Fahrschulen Berlin. Bus 125, S1 Bahnhof Hermsdorf. Bus 222, 133, S 25 Bahnhof Tegel. S U Wittenau, Bus X21. Bus 322, M21, X21, S 25, U8. U9, S 42 Bundesplatz.